"Are you still going to workout while on vacation?", I often get asked.
Short answer, "YES".
It's all dependent on how long my vacation is for.
For example, if it's for 6-7 days, I'll get 2-3 workouts in, 4-5 days I'll probably get at least 1 and if it's just a 2-3 day getaway, I probably won't.
I also do my best to schedule them when it doesn't interfere with other activities, so usually, mornings are ideal.
I usually get a 24 hour day pass to a nearby gym.
Now, this is what I do.
I choose to do this.
It's more than just a workout for me. I don't do it to burn off a certain amount of calories, nor is that something I recommend.
A workout allows me to clear my head. I know I have better days when I move my body. When I get to be active. When I get my time to be in my space my zone and sweat.
Please keep in mind that working out while on vacation isn't and shouldn't be about losing progress or making a significant amount of progress.
Because neither one of those are true.
You won't lose progress in 3, 5, 7, or 10 days nor will you make a whole lot of progress either.
Working out while on vacation should be focused on maintaining the discipline of working out. Working out, in general, is also about reaping the benefits, like blood flow to the brain, releasing endorphins, and overall kickstarting your day (of course this is dependent on if you workout in the morning).
Now, this doesn't mean you need to do the same. If you choose not to workout while on vacation, then that's perfectly fine.
However, if you want to feel those endorphins, get your blood flowing, or just move your body and stay as close to your workout routine as you can. Then you've come to the right place, I'm here to show you and layout in detail what you can do.
Your options
You can definitely look for a gym nearby and buy a day pass or 2. If you are following a program you will more than likely find any or all equipment needed at the gym so not much will need to be adjusted.
However, if you want a quick workout at the hotel gym, outside, or your room.
Here it is.
First, let's talk about equipment
Equipment isn't necessary to get a great workout in, all you need is your body.
With that being said, here are 2 pieces of light friendly travel equipment that you might already have or might be interested in getting.
Note: Resistance Bands are another great light and travel-friendly piece of equipment, however for the exercises shown bellow they are not required, feel free to incorporate them if you wish. And if your not quite sure how don't hesitate to ask me.
For the workouts I've laid out for you here will be bodyweight exercises, some will include Sliders and the TRX. I'll explain how you can modify these exercises if you don't have this equipment, so don't worry.
Read on.
Workout Options
These Workouts should only take you 12-20 min to complete.
For the first 3 Workouts, you'll need a TRX & Sliders.
For you Bonus Workout 4 just your TRX.
Instructions: You'll perform exercises A1 & A2 than after completing exercise A2 rest as needed. Depending on your time you can do 2-3 sets of each exercise and, depending on your exercise level do your best to stay within the rep range specified, with proper form. Then you'll do the same for exercises B1 & B2 and so forth.
(If you don't have a TRX for the TRX Rows it can be modified by using a table or desk. Below is a demo. For the Single Leg Hip Thrust use a chair, bench, or couch. If you don't have Sliders for the Sliding Leg Curls, Sliding Body Saw, and Sliding Roll Outs use a towel or paper towel on a tile floor or paper plates on the carpet will do just fine.)
Workouts 1
A1) Squat 2-3 X 8-10
A2) Push-Up 2-3 X 8-10
B1) Glute Bridges 2-3 X 8-10
B2) TRX Row 2-3 X 8-10
C1) Jumping Jacks 2-3 X 20-30 sec
C2) Plank 2-3 X 20-30 sec
Workout 2
A1) Bulgarian Split Squat 2-3 X 8/ each leg
A2) Push-Ups 2-3 X 8-10
B1) Single Leg Hip Thrust 2-3 X 8/ each leg
B2) TRX Row 2-3 X 8-10
C1) Sliding Leg Curls 2-3 X 8-12
C2) Dead Bug 2-3 X 20-30 sec
C3) Sliding Body Saw 2-3 X 20-30 sec
Workout 3
A1) Reverse Lunge 2-3 X 8/ each leg
A2) Dips 2-3 X 10-12
B1) TRX Rows 2-3 X 8-10
B2) Sliding Leg Curls 2-3 X 8-12
C1) Sliding Roll Outs 2-3 X 10-12
C2) Windshield Wipers 2-3 X 6/ each side
Bonus TRX Workout
Workout 4
Just in case you've invested in a TRX, here is a Full Body TRX Workout for you.
Instructions: Perform each exercise back to back for 5 sets. It should only take you 20 min. Rest as needed but try to use the time you take to adjust the suspension trainer as your rest time.
Enjoy this TRX full-body workout video demo I recorded for you.
TRX Full Body Workout:
TRX Front Squat 5 x 10
TRX Low Row 5 x 10
TRX Chest Press 5 x 10
TRX Hamstring Curls 5 x 10
TRX Body Saw 5 x 10
Final Thoughts
Now of course these workouts aren't strictly for when you are on vacation. Feel free to use these workouts at home, whenever you'd like.
A good example is when the gyms were closed for 3 plus months due to COVID (depending on when you are reading this, some gyms might still be closed).
If you've enjoyed these workouts please let me know.
And if you want more workouts like these feel free to grab my FREE GET & STAY STRONG @ HOME BODYWEIGHT PROGRAM.
It's a 4 Week Program to help you get and stay strong at home with just your body weight.
That way you'll never be without a program to follow, regardless of the situation.