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Writer's pictureDeb Cano

Tips For Staying Full In A Calorie Deficit And Managing Your Hunger

Updated: Oct 27, 2023

By now, you're likely aware that for effective fat loss being in a calorie deficit is essential.

Because a calorie deficit, which means eating fewer calories than your body expends, is the only way to lose fat.

First, if you don't know where your calorie target should be at for effective fat loss, be sure to check out, 'Your Weight Loss Guide: Part 1' for a comprehensive guide. You can also get my Free Weight Loss Guide.

Start by using this super simple formula: Goal Body Weight in lbs X 12 = Calorie Target

For example, if your goal body weight is 150. (150 x 12 = 1,800 Calorie Target)

Keep in mind this is just a starting point, and you may need to make adjustments along the way. I often recommend a calorie range for my Online Clients.

Now, when you're in a calorie deficit, it's natural to experience hunger. Yes, feeling hungry is entirely normal during this process.

Let me emphasize this: if you're in a calorie deficit but never experience hunger, then you probably aren't in a calorie deficit at all. And this could be hindering your progress.

Now, on the other hand, you don't want to feel famished. Even though hunger is normal, hunger is not an emergency.

So don't panic you don't have to grab a snickers bar at the slightest craving or feeling of hunger coming on. You just don't.

Now with that being said our bodies do like to be comfortable so whether you're trying to lose weight or gain weight it will want to fight you to stay the same, this is called homeostasis.

That is why if you are trying to lose weight and you reduce your calorie intake your hunger increases. It's your body's way of trying to stay the same. Your body doesn't like change, it likes comfort, and it's exceptionally good at preventing you from losing fat. This doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. From an evolutionary standpoint, this response is a survival mechanism to prevent starvation.

Obviously, this isn't ideal when you're trying to lean down and lose some weight.

Your body will make it tough.

But this doesn't mean it can't be done.

Nor does it mean you should throw in the towel and say, "Well if my body wants to fight me I guess I'll just give in", or "If my body wants to stay comfortable I have to give my body what it wants."

No this is not what I recommend for you to do. There is a solution for you.

If you need and want to lose weight, you can, it's achievable. Especially if it will improve your health, increase your confidence, make everyday tasks easier, and ultimately make your overall life better.

Now, let's dive into the reason why you are here reading this article, which I genuinely appreciate. I hope you find this information valuable and you put in into practice.

But make sure you read until the end because along with giving you a list of some very specific foods that can help to be in calorie deficit suck less, I'll also be giving you some of my tips and tricks on how to stay full in a calorie deficit and manage your hunger.

Let's start with ...

A List Of Foods That Will Help Manage Your Hunger While In A Calorie Deficit


At the top of the list is protein.

Protein has many benefits.

  • It helps you maintain the muscle mass you already have while you are in a calorie deficit.

  • It reduces your hunger by keeping you feeling full for longer ,as it is the most satiating macronutrient that you can eat.

(Macronutrient = Protein, Fats, Carbs)

So out of the 3 macros, Protein will satisfy your body the most.

But how does this actually help you while being in a calorie deficit?

Well if your body is satisfied, it won't be asking you for more food.

Protein takes more time and energy to digest than carbs and fats do. This is called the Thermic Effect of Food. And Protein again wins here because it is actually burning calories or expending more energy not just during digestion but in absorbing and storing all its nutrients into your body.

Want to know how much protein you should be eating?

(I wrote an article about it HERE.)

But here is a super easy formula I want you to use:

(Goal Body Weight in lbs x .8 = Protein Target)

Here is an example, if your goal body weight is 150. (150 x .8 = 120g of protein)

By the way, it's okay to go over your protein target, as long as you're not going over your calorie target.

Tip: Prioritize your protein at every meal by increasing it and notice the difference.

Here is a list of High Protein Low-Calorie foods that will help you reduce your hunger and stay full while being in a calorie deficit.

Protein List:

Meat: (4 oz of Raw Meat)

Chicken Breast or Extra Lean Ground Chicken 26g P

Deli Ham: 20g P

Deli Turkey: 19g P

Extra Lean Ground Turkey 27g P

Extra Lean Ground Bison 25g P

Extra Lean Ground Beef 24g P

Pork Tenderloin 23g P

Fish: (4 oz of Raw Meat)

Atlantic Cod 20g P

Mahi Mahi 21g P

Scallops 19g P

Sea Bass 21g P

Shrimp 23g P

Tilapia 22g P

Tuna 27g P


Eggs 6g P

Egg Whites 4g P

Dairy: (1 Cup - Can very depending on the brand)

Greek Yogurt (0% Fat) 22g P (Great for a snack, breakfast, or can even be made into a dessert. And can definitely help you reach your protein target.)

Cottage Cheese (1% Fat) 28g P (Great on a salad, on toast, mixed with fruit, used as a dip, etc.)

Both of these are a quick and easy protein source for not that many calories.

A Few Vegetarian Options:

Seiten 24g P

Edamame 14 g P

Tempeh 21g P

Next up is...


Oh carbs, the one macro that everyone seems to think is the cause for their weight gain.

Most people search for low-carb foods when they start trying to lose fat. But it's essential to understand that carbs are not inherently 'bad' and don't directly cause fat gain. You can eat carbs and lose fat. As you'll need to be in a calorie deficit to lose fat, you'll want to choose carbs that keep you full for longer.

The issue is that some highly processed foods are intentionally designed to be incredibly palatable, which often leads to overeating them. You keep wanting more and that is where these foods can prevent you from losing weight. Something else to keep in mind is that most of these highly processed, irresistibly tasty foods lack the essential nutrients that your body requires. And without proper awareness of portion control, it can be really easy to overeat these types of foods to where you're not in a calorie deficit anymore and you end up being in a calorie surplus.

This is why knowing your carbs and choosing them wisely for your goals is important.

Here is a list of carbs that are excellent for keeping you feeling full while in a calorie deficit:

Potatoes (Sweet, White, Red): (For 100g you're looking at an average of 90 cal) My favorites are sweet potatoes but feel free to eat the ones you prefer.

Oatmeal: This keeps me feeling full for longer in the mornings but for some, it doesn't. So feel free to try it and see how you feel. I like to add a serving of protein powder to mine. By doing this it will help you meet your protein target for the day, and it tastes so good.

Popcorn: Choose low-calorie popcorn and your looking at about 120 calories per serving. This is a good low-calorie high-fiber snack.

Rice (Brown or White): Eat the one you prefer. I find rice to be super filling.

Quinoa: This is another one that's filling as well.

Legumes (like Beans & Chick Peas): Because of their high fiber and protein content they will keep you satiated for longer.

Fruit: Fruits are high in fiber and water content which can really help you feel fuller for longer and not so hungry while being in a calorie deficit. Fruit is a great carb source.

These are some of my favorite fruits:

Apples (1 medium apple is 93 calories) I eat 1-2 apples a day. Granny Smith Apples are my favorite.

Blackberries (1 lb is 195 calories)

Blueberries (1 lb is 258 calories)

Grapes (1/2 lb is 156 calories)

Honeydew Melon (1 lb is 163 calories)

Oranges (1 large orange is 86 calories)

Strawberries (1 lb is 145 calories)

Watermelon (1 lb is 136 calories)

I put watermelon, blueberries, and sometimes strawberries in my salads.

You really can't go wrong with fruit in your salad.


Vegetables are a great way to add more volume to your meals, which in turn will help you feel full. They are also high in fiber and some are high in water content which can really help you feel fuller for longer while in a calorie deficit.

Load your plate up with vegetables and it will seem like you are eating a lot of food for not so many calories. For this reason, vegetables will help you tremendously while being in a calorie deficit and you won't feel like you're hungry all the time.

Remember when trying to lose weight the goal is to be able to eat as much as possible while still being able to maintain a calorie deficit.

Salads and vegetables should be a staple regardless of whether you're trying to lose weight. You should be eating your vegetables for your overall health because vegetables will give your body a lot of the micronutrients it needs.

If you're really trying to lose some weight and lean down, I highly encourage you to load up on vegetables.

Here is a list of my favorite vegetables but please note there are a lot more vegetables than just these.

Artichokes (not officially a vegetable)


Bell Peppers

Bok Choy

Butternut Squash (Which is technically a fruit)

Brocolli (Spareinly as it tends to bloat me)

Brussel Sprouts


Cauliflower (Spareinly as it tends to bloat me)


Eggplants (Also technically a fruit)



Pickels (Great for snakcing. They are both tasty and filling.)


Snap Peas (These are great to snack on as well.)

Spaghetti Squash




Note: If you struggle with getting plenty of vegetables in, keep trying different ones until you at least like some of them. Find the vegetables you dislike the least, experiment with different ones, find the ones you like the most, and eat more of those.

Ideally, you'll want to aim for about 6 servings of vegetables per day. That might seem like a lot but if you break it down it's at least 2 servings per meal if you eat 3 meals per day.

If you struggle to eat veggies start with making sure you get at least 1 serving per meal then you can increase it from there.

Or another super-easy way to make sure you eat more vegetables is to just make it a point to eat ONE BIG SALAD a day.


Fats can be satiating, they are for me but they might not be for you. This is a personal thing so you might have to test this out for yourself.

First I would like to say that fats don't make you fat. Fats do have more calories per gram, there is 9 calories per gram of fat. Just keep this in mind if you increase fats in your diet you'll also be increasing your calories, double the amount you would if you were to increase your protein or carbs. But as long as you're staying in a calorie deficit you'll still be able to lose fat.

Fats play a crucial role in maintaining overall health so lowering your fat intake or trying to eliminate them completely isn't a smart idea. Fats are beneficial for our cognitive function and they help regulate our hormones.

Avocado and nuts are high-fat foods that are pretty filling for me, they also carry a lot of fiber which helps to feel fuller while in a calorie deficit.

And if you want to get the best of both worlds here are some Protein and Fat sources:

  • Higher Fat Fish like Salmon

  • Higher Fat Meats like ground Turkey or Beef

  • Higher Fat Greek Yogurt or Cottage Cheese

  • Whole Eggs

Let's Talk About Beverages Now

Often times when we feel hungry it could just be that we are thirsty.

So make sure you are drinking plenty of water. And no you don't have to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

Here is a tip start your day with at least 8 oz of water, and drink at least 8 oz before or with every meal.

Note: Drinking water before a meal has been shown to reduce the amount of food eaten daily during a meal.

Add variety to your water by drinking Sparkling Water or Flavored Water.

Other beverages that can help blunt hunger:


Herbal Teas

Miso Soup

Bone Broth

Add Flavor To Your Foods

Adding sauces, dressings and extra condiments to your meals can add up to a surprising amount of calories which in turn can take you out of a calorie deficit.

Here is a list of lower calorie options to help you add extra flavor to your foods without worrying about going overboard on calories and leaving you feeling unsatisfied.



Dijon Mustard

Lemon Juice

Low Calorie Ketchup (Primal Kitchen Spicy Ketchup is my favorite ketchup.)

Primal Kitchen Salad Dressing: Sesame Ginger flavor is my favorite.

Primal Kitchen Steak Sauce is delicious. They also carry some other low calorie sauces that I haven't tasted.





And feel free to add Salt, Pepper, Turmeric, Garlic, Cilantro and any kind of herbs and spices you like to your meals.


If you have a big sweet tooth this section is for you.

Especially if you find yourself not being able to stay in a calorie deficit due to giving in to these sweet cravings.

I make my own dessert: I take a serving of coconut yogurt (either So Delicious or Forager brands), add a scoop of Chocolate Protein Powder, add a handful of blueberries, and I cut up some apple slices. This is a High Protein Dessert that keeps me full all night long.

Here are some lower calorie Ice Creams that you might enjoy though:

Artix Zero


Halo Top

Nada Moo

So Delicious

And I'm sure there are many more by now but these are just some of the ones I've personally tasted.

Now just because they might be low in calories that doesn't mean you should eat the whole pint. Please read the nutrition label to find out what is considered a serving size.

Fit these into your calorie target if you want so you can satisfy your cravings.

Because less cravings means less over indulging, less going over you calorie target and more staying in a calorie deficit feeling satisfied, fuller, and overall less hungry.

This takes us to..

9 Other Tips & Tricks To Implement

Don't Drop Your Calories Super Low

This will only make you hangry, and you'll be setting yourself up for failure.

You want to make sure your calorie deficit is sustainable.


Because if it's not sustainable you will not be able to stick with it consistently. You'll end up feeling frustrated and upset with yourself. You'll keep getting off track thinking you messed up, and it ends up being a never-ending cycle.

That brings me to my next point...

Don't Restrict Yourself

Yes, I'm telling you not to cut out any of your favorite foods.

If you love Oreos and someone tells you, “That the only thing you need to do to reach your goal is to stop eating Oreos.”

What do you think would happen?

You’d probably only be focused on those Oreos that you think you “shouldn’t” have. And eventually, just eat the Oreos, because, if you want Oreos, especially if that’s all you think about, you’ll probably eventually eat the Oreos.

So instead don’t focus so much on eliminating anything.

  • Focus on making sure you hit your protein target for the day.

  • Focus on eating 1-2 servings of vegetables with every meal.

  • Focus on staying within your calorie range.

A good thing to remember here is to start by giving your body the nutrients it needs not necessarily just what it thinks wants.

Here is a quick tip: When wanting to lose weight way too often people look at what they need to avoid, start by looking at what you need to add.

Practice Mindful Eating

This definitely takes time and takes some getting used to.

You want to control any emotional eating that might be going on (like stress eating, anxiously eating, eating because you're upset, feeling lonely, etc.)

It's super important to be aware of actual hunger and hunger in disguise. It's going to take you sitting with your emotions and asking yourself some hard questions.

Are you actually hungry or just bored?

Make sure you are actually hungry when you eat and not just bored.


Slowing down your eating can significantly reduce the amount of food you eat in one meal.

Our stomaches send a signal to our brains when we are satiated or satisfied to stop eating.

When we eat too fast it bypasses this very important signal.

So eat slowly, and stop eating when you are 80% full. This will help you better tune into your hunger cues.

This takes time and lots of practice.

This is definitely something I struggle with myself. I eat pretty fast.

But once you start doing this for a while and stay consistent with it you'll start to be able to judge how much food you actually need to feel satisfied. (Keyword here satisfied not stuffed.)

Here are a few tips to help you work on this one habit:

  • Putting your fork down in between each and every bite is one way to make sure you do slow down.

  • Make sure to pay close attention to how you feel. Are you 80% full?

  • Eat with your family. Studies have shown when you eat with company and engage in conversations you tend to eat less.

Try this for a whole week and see how this works for you.

Wait 20 minutes

If you feel hungry or maybe not completely full after a meal, wait 20 minutes. Like I mentioned above about the benefits of slowing down and only eating until you are 80% full. Keep telling yourself you'll eat later or you'll wait another 20 min and see how you feel. The urge or craving might just go away, and that way you'll eat less food by pushing it off and not jump and give in to the first craving or urge of hunger that you get.

Brush Your Teeth

After your first meal make a habit of brushing your teeth. This will help you tremendously. It will help jumpstart your nightly routine to get ready for bed and this is normally a signal you can send to your brain saying you are done eating for the night.


There are countless studies on why sleep is super super important for your appetite, your mental health, your happiness, and your fat loss.

But I don't want to bore you with the scientific stuff.

Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. The keyword here is quality! I can't stress how important this is for fat loss.

Less sleep = less overall energy.

It takes energy especially mental energy to be in a calorie deficit, to not overeat, and to make better food choices.

Unfortunately, your body, your workouts, and your goals will suffer because of a lack of quality sleep.

So do your best to get better sleep.

Here's a tip: Establish a sleep ritual. For example, two hours before you'd want to be in bed, dim the lights, and disconnect from all electronic devices. Replace watching TV with some light reading. And try sleeping with your cell phone in another room.

Find A Meal Timing That Works For You

You don't have to eat first thing in the morning. Evaluate your hunger when you wake up. Start your day by drinking 8 oz of water. If you're not hungry push off your first meal by an hour or so. Try to stick with the same meal timing or schedule as best as you can. You can eat 4, 6, 8 small meals throughout the day or you can eat 2, 3, 4 bigger meals throughout the day. You will have to play around with this. It will depend on what fits your schedule and what keeps you feeling fuller while in a calorie deficit. Is it eating small meals throughout the day every few hours or is it spreading your meals apart and eating bigger meals?

Make Rules For Yourself

Ugh rules, I know right.

Yes, making rules for yourself will help you hold yourself accountable.

For example, don't just say, "I need to do better with my nutrition." Be more specific by saying, "I'm only going to drink Friday and Saturday and I will limit myself to 2 drinks" or "When we go out for dinner I will not be ordering dessert", or "I will preportion my chips so I don't eat straight out of the bag where I can easily eat more than one serving."

Stay Busy

Don't think so much about "having to be in a calorie deficit". Don't sit around and just think about food. Keep your mind occupied. Going for a walk is a great option here.

In Conclusion

I hope these tips & tricks helped.

These strategies might sound simple, but I know it won't always be easy. Not every day will be perfect. You'll have good days and you'll have bad days. Those bad days will be tougher and can really test you, they can bring out more negative emotions. But if you work on implementing these strategies it can really help you with this process and in turn, you will be able to achieve your goals.

I hope you found this article helpful and that you put these steps immediately into practice.

Hunger isn't enjoyable so use these tools above to help you achieve your goals.

If you want some extra help, I'm here to help.

If you're interested in personalized coaching, fill out my Online Coaching Application Form to see if we are a good fit to work together.

Either way, I'm here to help.

Coach Deb


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