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Writer's pictureDeb Cano

What is Online Coaching???

What is Online Coaching???

What exactly is it that I do?

Maybe a better question is, "What services do I provide that is of any benefit to you?" 

My goal here is to thoroughly explain what Online Training is and also who it's for and who it isn't for?

Online training has been around for almost a decade now. You might of or might have not heard of it. Some people don't know this option exists.

In a nutshell, My Online Coaching Services allows me to help you get better results, basically on your own terms. 

You are probably wondering...

Better results? 



These are great questions to have. 

Let's first talk about Traditional Face to Face Personal Training

It might go a little like this:

You decide to sign up at a gym.

Then you realize you need some guidance to actually achieve your goal. (Instead of randomly going into the gym, jumping on a machine for 45 min to an hour and calling it a day.)

So you decide to inquire about Personal Training, to receive one-on-one attention for an allotted amount of time.

Benefits of Traditional Face to Face Personal Training 

1) Attention, Instructions, & Feedback

You'll receive attention, instructions, and feedback during your workout. 

Adjustment to your form can be made on the spot. You'll receive instant feedback, step-by-step instructions especially while learning a new exercise.

2) Focus and Motivation

You'll be prevented from taking too long of rest in between sets.

Instead of grabbing your phone and making the mistake to aimlessly scroll, by the time you know it your 60-90 sec rest time becomes 3-5 min. (This is of course totally dependent on your program and goal. A 3-5 min rest is sometimes just fine, nothing wrong with that!) My point is that it can become super easy to start neglecting proper rest time. 

Also, you might choose to just cut exercises out, just because "you don't feel like doing them". Or maybe the machine you were planning to use is taken and you don't quite know how to substitute that exercise.

Hiring a trainer prevents all of this from happening. You'll have someone pushing you and coaching you through every exercise, reps, and sets. They'll help you stay focused and motivated.

3) You'll have Accountability 

Having a long day at work might make it seem easy to just drive right past the gym and go straight home after work. However, if you have a scheduled training session, with someone you've come to respect and form a relationship with, you'll think twice before canceling your training session. You've not only invested your money in training (you run the risk of losing your session) and you've both invested time and emotions into your goals. 

Now Let's talk about Online Coaching

The Benefits of Online Training:

1) Affordability

When you hire a personal trainer at a gym that usually cost you anywhere from $50-$150 / hour depending on the location. At 2-4 training sessions per week... Well, I'm sure you can do the math from there.

Online training will generally cost you a fraction of the cost of a traditional face to face trainer. Not just that, you don't have the limitations of "hour-long sessions". 

Online coaching offers more affordability!

2) Nutrition 

What I've noticed is that at a gym nutrition is barely focused on. (Now that could be for many reasons, some trainers feel they are just there to provide a great workout session and at other times there isn't enough time to discuss proper nutrition.) 

Sessions typically last 50-60 min. If they start on time, and whether your trainer decides to sit down to talk about nutrition at the beginning or at the end of the session that will eat up 10-15 min of the session. That will leave you with a 45 min session - which is still enough time for a workout. However, when nutrition is a huge part of any fitness goal, whether it be fat loss or muscle gain, it needs to be given proper attention, and that might be more than just 10-15 min. Not to mention you'll need to stay within your allotted time frame as clients are normally scheduled back to back, and you don't want to run the risk of cutting into someone else's time. 

That is exactly the dilemma I would constantly find myself! 

Talking about nutrition during a training session isn't optimal. For many reasons, the ones above being just a few.

Online coaching allows for just the right amount of time to be given to nutrition. Whether your plan needs to be tweaked after 2-4 weeks or just to answer questions about what to eat at your favorite restaurants or at a family gathering. 

3) Convenience: Workout anywhere, better responsiveness, and more flexibility.

It's wonderful to be able to workout from wherever you'd like. However, if you don't carve aside the time and dedicate a location for an uninterrupted workout, you might struggle. 

This is where you and your Online Coach (Me), come up with a plan for how you'll set up your week and create an ideal day and environment for yourself, to avoid this struggle. 

Reaching out is more convenient and that's how it should be. However, there are and will be expectations. Communicating with your coach (Me) will be key here. The expectations will be set in advance in how we might plan to get in touch (by email, a call), when and how we will reach out, and when to expect responses.

Who is the traditional model of personal training best for and who is Online Coaching best for?

That depends on your goals and your needs... What do you really want and need?

Personally, I'm passionate about health, fitness, and nutrition. I started my career at a Gym offering Face-to-Face training (I still offer Face-to-Face Training). And I'm extremely glad that I've been able to work with clients in this setting. I've learned so much, and they have truly invested their time in wanting to better themselves. I have made some great friendships along the way as well. 


I choose to offer online coaching because I was frustrated with the time restraints of training clients at a gym, I felt limited to what I could really do for them! I knew I had more to give. So I decided to do something about it! Online coaching allows me to help more people. 

As mentioned above, I still offer face-to-face personal training as well.

However, many factors make face-to-face training impossible like location, money, and scheduling.

There is a better way to do this... And that is Online Coaching.

This allows me to keep helping people get the best results. 

Online Coaching allows me to:

  1. Help more people.

  2. Help people outside my immediate area.

  3. Work more efficiently.

  4. Save time.

  5. Have a more flexible schedule. 

  6. And more importantly, deliver amazing results.

Side Note: Online coaching isn't for everyone nor is it a magic pill that will promise you to solve your current health and fitness problems. 

Great coaching, whether online or in-person, takes hard work. And not only that, it takes the right mindset. 

Both in-person and online coaching is similar in that they both demand that I bring my best coaching skills to the table.

My Goal As Your Coach

I strive to be a great coach giving you a high-quality experience. 

My energy is poured into being more client-centered. Having the time for deeper exploration into your wants and needs, meeting you where you're at, and taking your next action steps together. 

By figuring:

  1. What do you really want and need?

  2. What are your main problems or challenges?

  3. How can I help you solve them?

Online Coaching is most effective when it's carefully planned.

Together we come up with a strategy to leverage your strengths to address the barrier that is in the way right now.

Checking-In and holding you accountable for practicing healthy habits, that we discuss together, and by also helping you stay consistent with your exercise and nutrition program.

You'll feel supported: I provide teaching, coaching, and accountability around the habits we discussed. 

  • Any recent changes that we need to immediately address?

  • How engaged are you with your program?

  • Are you staying active and responsive to what we discussed?

  • What are your goals, concerns, and challenges?

  • How have you been progressing?

  • How have your measurements changed?

  • We make sure to keep track of other indicators such as energy levels, mood, or habit consistency.

It should be simple: you should feel confident that you can stick with the program.

In my opinion, Online Coaching is even more satisfying in that it allows me to help you with nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, and much more. As a result, I automatically become much more invested in the big picture of your life. 

With more flexibility, it ends up being a win-win for both you and I.


What My Online Coaching Services Intel

I offer coaching that can be utilized anywhere, offering convenience, responsiveness, flexibility, and affordability. I'm now able to empower you with more accountability and support than I ever could in person. 

Simply put: My online clients get SO much more from me than an in-person clientele ever could.

If you are curious and want to know more, just ask me!

I offer services based on your needs and lifestyle.

"Flexible", meaning I focus on your Nutrition and Training Program. I can also jump on a FaceTime (Video) call during your session to give you instant feedback on your form.

I'll meet your specific needs as your coach.

To help you achieve your goals as optimally as possible, by giving you the knowledge to maintain your results. 

I deliver sustainable, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching to anyone who needs it.


The best part... The program is your program. I offer you precisely what you need when you need it, without the limitations and expenses of the gym, and in a more cost-effective way than in-person training.

I'm your concierge - giving you what you need, when you need it, no matter how your health and fitness needs change over time.


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