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Writer's pictureDeb Cano

Why saying "NO" is good for your health

Updated: Mar 20, 2020

I recently had to reevaluate my schedule, move somethings around and make sure I was giving myself the proper amount of time I had been promising myself.

I'm really good at prioritizing my workouts and nutrition, it comes easy to me only because I've done it for many years and have made it a habit.

However, I'm aware I still have so much room for improvement. I want to level up, even more, and start meditating, start looking into some classes I've been interested in. And start investing more time into my business. So I've had to say "NO" to some things.

That's why I truly believe that in saying "NO" you are opening up doors for yourself! You are saying yes to a better, healthier you. And I 100% believe that saying "NO" to others when it interferes with your health and wellbeing is a must!

By saying "NO" to others you are saying "YES" to yourself.

I see others, especially women, constantly saying "yes" to others.

Why? They feel like they have to, they feel bad saying "NO", they feel like they should be able to do it all, etc.

However, once you take care of everything else,

where does that leave you?

By saying "Yes" to everything and everyone else are you putting yourself on the backburner?

If you are constantly struggling to give yourself at least 15 min at the end of the day something needs to change.

Don't put yourself last. I encourage you to put yourself first, once you do you will have so much more to give yourself and to others.


Don't let your free time or time you had already scheduled for yourself to be taken away, because you feel you "have to" say "yes" to others. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Stick to your scheduled workouts (even on the weekends) if that is what you had planned. Stick to your nutrition plan, and don't let others derail you. Keep your alone time, if already planned! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

And if this isn't something you have a habit of planning for yourself, ask for help, don't wait until it's too late.


Your time is important and how you invest it, especially when you invest it in yourself!

I really hope this encourages you to prioritize yourself!



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