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Client Testimonials


"Deb has been great at motivating me and helping me with my fitness journey.  My main goal was to lose some weight and gain confidence in myself again.  Since starting to work with Deb my confidence has increased.  My strength has increased, I can now do pushups. I have gained knowledge on how to use gym equipment, how to execute an exercise with the correct form, and how to calculate my macros.  Deb has always been available to me for questions and concerns.  Working with Deb has definitely been a personal experience. She gives 100% of her attention. She genuinely wants to get to know me and things about my weird life. And that means a lot to me."



"I started with Debora not knowing the change that was to come. In Fall of 2022, I weighed 118lbs at 5’7in, barely able to lift 10 lbs weights. My eating habits were terrible. However, staying consistent with the program led to gradual improvements. Now, in 2024, I weigh 148lbs and can lift significantly heavier weights. I’ve developed confidence in my body and a healthy relationship with food. My life has completely changed. Thanks to Debora's support, I've overcome my gym intimidation and achieved my fitness goals. Debora has made this process a LOT easier. Any goal I want to achieve, I can trust that she’ll provide the workouts and nutrition goals I need to get where I want to be."

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"I've had self-doubt about accomplishing my fitness goals. Deb helped me develop better habits to achieve my goals. It was very helpful to have someone like Deb to help out with accountability and share weekly updates."




"Since starting my training with Deb I feel more confident, my energy has increased and I have healthier eating habits. My primary goal was to get stronger and I have surpassed my goal. I love the guidance and instructions Deb gives me, she knows how to motivate me and keep me going. Deb has been an excellent coach for me. ”

"Deb is amazing and kicks ass! She is informative, has helped me start a healthier fitness journey, and has helped me realize that making lifelong habits is a process.  Deb has helped me increase my core and upper body strength.  She provides great support and arranges the workouts to fit your goals and meets you where you are.  She makes working out that much more fun!  I'm so glad I met her." :)


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"Deb has turned me into a gym girlie. When I first started with her, I was too nervous to even go over to the free weights area by myself. Now, she's helped me become confident in working out and has made me feel like I belong in the gym alongside everyone else. Every session is fun, even if I'm struggling, because she's so personable and motivating - but also knows when to cut you some slack. I always look forward to seeing her and seeing what she has me doing next!"



"I feel way more confident in the gym.  I don't just limit myself to cardio.  I have made a lot of gains in strength over this year, even if the scale didn't reflect it.  I saw some of my belly fat leaning out, and I could also see the strength in my arms.  Deb's a really great coach with a very positive personality.  You'll be doing things you didn't think you could before you know it."


"I very much enjoy training with Deb.  She developed a routine for me that was tailored to my goals and I never feel like I am overwhelmed or can't do what she asks.  She's easy to work with and always makes time to ask me about what is going on in my life outside of the gym.  I highly recommend her to anyone looking to improve their fitness, regardless of their ability or experience."


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